World Caminhos (2018)

mundiais preto 1

In the 24th Cami­nhos do Cine­ma Por­tu­guês edi­ti­on, the sche­du­le of World Cami­nhossec­ti­on intends to pre­sent to the spec­ta­tors, through movi­es ori­gi­na­tes from the dis­tinct con­ti­nents, the idea of a world that is very cri­tic about itself and incre­a­sin­gly more open to diver­sity, with cha­rac­ters in a cons­tant self-dis­co­very process.

Betwe­en repu­ted and anony­mous artists, revo­lu­ti­ons or tri­bu­tes to tho­se of for­mer times, this selec­ti­on shows that cine­ma con­ti­nu­es to be a power­ful mean of dif­fu­si­on and deba­te of ide­as. Whi­le dys­to­pi­as hyper­bo­li­ze a deter­mi­ned nega­ti­ve aspect pre­sent in soci­ety, beco­ming, the­re­fo­re, an even more power­ful poli­ti­cal mes­sa­ge, the­re are movi­es whi­ch do not need to go far from our rea­lity, occa­si­o­nally fic­ti­o­na­li­zed, to pass along their mes­sa­ge. In this movi­es col­lec­ti­on the­re is even spa­ce to reflect about the human rela­ti­on with the unk­nown and super­na­tu­ral, in sto­ri­es that acqui­re a fairly strong ale­go­ric spin.

After deli­be­ra­ti­on over many hours of film, the main goal was to find fea­tu­re films that could dia­log, at the for­mat or the­me levels, with this dia­lo­gue and dif­fe­ren­ti­a­ted aesthe­tic on the short film for­mat. In the des­cri­bed path, the movi­es intertwi­ned, tou­ched and defi­ed them­sel­ves in a set that was either uni­form in the for­mat and vari­ed in the the­mes or simi­lar in con­tent but dis­tinct in their for­mal outlines.

World Cami­nhos is a sec­ti­on who aims to over­co­methe poli­ti­cally cor­rect bar­ri­ers and explo­re the cha­rac­ters’ sexu­a­lity, along with love demons­tra­ti­ons that do not see bor­ders nor res­trict them­sel­ves to labels.

Selected Titles  World Caminhos

Title Direc­tor Gen­re Pro­duc­ti­on Co. Run­ti­me Cou­try
9023 Soti­ris Petridis Short Fic­ti­on 00:07:35 Gré­cia
¿Eres tú, papá? Rudy Rive­rón Sánchez Fea­tu­re Fiction Eres Tu Papa Ltd 01:46:33 Rei­no Unido
Beat Anna Ozar Short Fic­ti­on 00:02:00 Rús­sia
Bys­tan­der Shey­da Kashi Ani­ma­ção 00:08:00 Irão
Colour Cage Dani­el Reascos Short Fic­ti­on INCINE 00:15:00 Equa­dor
Edu­ar­do Gale­a­no Vagamundo Feli­pe Nepomuceno Fea­tu­re Doc Nepo­mu­ce­no Filmes 01:11:35 Bra­sil
Esto no es una despedida Gwenn Joyaux Short Fic­ti­on 00:10:00 Espa­nha
From On High Dawn Wes­tla­ke Short Fic­ti­on Ron de Cana Productions 00:07:43 Espa­nha
Gold­fish Yor­gos Angelopoulos Short Fic­ti­on SOUL Pro­duc­ti­ons 00:14:21 Gré­cia
Gre­en Days by the River Micha­el Mooleedhar Fea­tu­re Fiction Gre­en Days Film Limited 01:42:00 Tri­ni­dad e Tobago
Hijos de la revolucion Luci­a­na Sér­vu­lo da Cunha Fea­tu­re Doc Bha­ra­ti Filmes 01:36:00 Bra­sil
Iku Mani­e­va Isa­ac Ruiz Gastélum Short Fic­ti­on METAXINEMA 00:07:30 Méxi­co
John 746 Ana Vij­dea Short Doc Fil­mes do Gajo 00:30:00 Romé­nia
Medul­la ObFeatureta Rober­to Nascimento Short Doc/Fic Chill­box Creative 00:07:33 Nova Zelân­dia
Nu Yang Ge Fea­tu­re Fiction 01:04:15 Rús­sia
Paraí­so João Ricar­do Oliveira Short Fic­ti­on In Vino Veri­tas Produções 00:27:55 Bra­sil
Straw­ber­ry Jam Car­los Vin Lopes Short Fic­ti­on The Worl­dro­oms 00:24:20 Ale­ma­nha
The Boat Petrus Cariry Fea­tu­re Fiction Ilu­mi­nu­ra Filmes 01:12:00 Bra­sil
The Cal­ling Mari­a­ken­zi Lahlou Short Fic­ti­on Louk­kos Film 00:23:52 Mar­ro­cos
The dilem­ma Anto­nio Zucherino Short Fic­ti­on Mas Rui­do 00:12:48 Argen­ti­na
The oak Tree Yian­nis DOP Short Fic­ti­on CESARA STUDIO 00:23:20 Líba­no
The Remains Manoj Babu Pant Short Fic­ti­on Simal Cine­ma Pvt. Ltd. 00:16:27 Nepal
Trau­ma Industries Jeth­ro Massey Short Fic­ti­on Local Films 00:13:00 Fran­ça
Who They Are DJ Furth Short Fic­ti­on 00:04:04 Chi­na
Yover Edi­son Sanchez Short Fic­ti­on ANTRUM FILMS 00:14:04 Colom­bia


Sai­ba mais na seguin­te liga­ção: World Cami­nhos (2018).