Call for Movies is open

Call for movies 26 v2 01
Call for movies 26 v2 01

Regis­tra­ti­ons are now open for the 26th Edi­ti­on of the Cami­nhos do Cine­ma Por­tu­guês Fes­ti­val. Betwe­en the 1st of Janu­ary and the 31st of July, the works for the Cami­nhos Selec­ti­on, Essays Selec­ti­on and Other Looks may be sub­mit­ted via Film­Fre­eway. Until May 31, all nati­o­nal film regis­tra­ti­ons will be free.

The Cami­nhos do Cine­ma Por­tu­guês Fes­ti­val has been, sin­ce 1988, one of the main refe­ren­ces in the Por­tu­gue­se cine­ma­to­graphic pano­ra­ma. Pre­sen­ting itself as the only fes­ti­val dedi­ca­ted to Por­tu­gue­se cine­ma in all its aspects (final pro­jects of scho­ols of cine­ma, ani­ma­ti­on, docu­men­tary, short film and fea­tu­re film), it shows itself as the ulti­ma­te show­ca­se of cine­ma­to­graphic works that are annu­ally pro­du­ced in Portugal.

This event is the oppor­tu­nity to bring together cre­a­tors and viewers in a sin­gle spa­ce for artis­tic inte­rac­ti­on, a pla­ce whe­re you can fol­low in the first per­son the evo­lu­ti­on of the nati­o­nal film industry.

In its 26th edi­ti­on, the fes­ti­val is com­mit­ted to recog­ni­zing the impor­tan­ce of ani­ma­ti­on cine­ma as an impor­tant fea­tu­re of the qua­lity of nati­o­nal cine­ma­to­graphy. This bet is pro­jec­ted by the intro­duc­ti­on of the Best Ani­ma­ti­on Essay Award. Check all the details in the fes­ti­val regulations.

We ope­ned the event to all Por­tu­gue­se nati­o­nal pro­duc­ti­on, pro­vi­ding a spa­ce for the uni­on of the arts through cine­ma, whi­ch is cele­bra­ted in each of our editions.

Sai­ba mais na seguin­te liga­ção: Call for Movi­es is open.